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Analisis Kinerja Website Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Dipa Makassar Menggunakan Pendekatan Automated Software Testing
Paper ini membahas tentang analisis kinerja website Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Dipa Makassar menggunakan Automated Software Testing. Adapun software yang digunakan yaitu GTmetrix, Pingdom,dan Blazemeter. Pengujian kinerja didasarkan pada performa website, noof requests, speed, load time, pagesize. Hasil pengujian diberikan dalam bentuk grade dengan skor berupa angka. Nilai tersebut ditandai secara kualitatif dengan huruf A, B, C, D, E, dan F, sedangkan skornya ditandai secara kuantitatif dengan angka. Selain grade hasil pengujian juga dilengkapi dengan rekomendasi perbaikan untuk setiap poin evaluasi. Pengujian kinerja dilakukan dengan menggunakan koneksi internet dalam kecepatan download 29,14 Mbps dan upload 9,71 Mbps di mana kecepatan internet tersebut ditest menggunakan Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa secara keseluruhan website Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Dipa Makassar memiliki kinerja baik yaitu di level C dengan kecepatan rata-rata mencapai 73,13%. Sedangkan hasil pengujian page detail terlihat bahwa page load time rata-rata 3.09s dan total page size 425,67 KB, serta request count mencapai 25. Ada 5 rekomendasi yang disarankan untuk mengoptimalkan Website Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Dipa Makassar yaitu dengan melakukan Eliminate render-blocking resources, Avoid unload event listeners, Efficiently encode images, Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy, Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Kata Kunci: Website, Kinerja Website, Automated Software Testing
This paper discusses the performance analysis of the Academic Information System website at the University of Dipa Makassar using automated software testing. The software used is GTmetrix, Pingdom, and Blazemeter. Performance testing is based on website performance, no of requests, speed, load time, page size. The test results are given in the form of a grade with a score in the form of a number. The values are marked qualitatively with the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F, while the scores are marked quantitatively with numbers. In addition to the grade, the test results are also equipped with recommendations for improvement for each evaluation point. Performance testing is carried out using an internet connection with a download speed of 29.14Mbps and an upload speed of 9.71Mbps where the internet speed is tested using The test results show that overall the Academic Information System website at the University of Dipa Makassar has good performance, namely at level C with an average speed of 73,13%. While the results of the page detail test show that the average page load time is 3.09s and the total page size is 425,67KB, and the request count reaches 25. There are 5 recommendations suggested for optimizing the Website Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Dipa Makassar, Eliminate render-blocking resources, Avoid unload event listeners, Efficiently encode images, Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy, Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Keywords: Website, Kinerja Website, Automated Software Testing
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