Skripsi/Tugas Akhir
Re-Design User Interface Dan User Experience (UI/UX) Aplikasi Online Ticketing Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking
ABSTRAK sebagai platform online ticketing seharusnya dapat melakukan re-design terhadap platform website milik mereka. Diperlukan sebuah perancangan ulang pada sisi desain agar dapat dihasilkan sebuah platform yang nyaman dan mudah digunakan oleh para customer/penggunanya (user friendly). Metode Design Thinking merupakan pendekatan yang berpusat pada manusia atau human centris untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan menghadirkan inovasi baru. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perancangan ulang user interface (UI) sistem e-commerce online ticketing agar dapat bersaing dengan desain platform masa kini dengan keberhasilan uji coba awal dari System Usability Scale (SUS) mendapatkan nilai 70. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perancangan ulang user experience (UX) sistem e-commerce online ticketing agar dapat digunakan secara lebih mudah dan sederhana. Hasil evaluasi menggunakan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) dengan enam aspek penilaian rata - rata, yaitu attractiveness mendapatkan nilai sebesar 2,01 (excellent). Aspek perspicuity mendapatkan nilai 1,83 (good). Aspek efficiency mendapatkan nilai 1,99 (excellent). Aspek dependability mendapatkan 1,68 (good). Aspek stimulation mendapatkan nilai 2,00 (excellent). Dan Aspek novelty mendapatkan nilai 2,07 (excellent).
Kata Kunci:, design thinking, UI, UX
ABSTRACT as an online ticketing platform should be able to re-design their website platform. A redesign is needed on the design side in order to produce a platform that is comfortable and easy for customers/users to use (user friendly). The Design Thinking method is an approach that aspires to humans or human centric to solve problems and present new innovations. This research resulted in a redesign of the user interface (UI) of the e-commerce online ticketing system so that it can compete with today's platform designs with the success of the initial trial of the System Usability Scale (SUS) getting a score of 70. This research resulted in a redesign of the user experience (UX) e-commerce online ticketing system so that it can be used more easily and simply. The results of the evaluation used a User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) with six aspects of the average rating, namely attractiveness got a score of 2.01 (very good). The perspicuity aspect gets a score of 1.83 (good). Aspects of efficiency get a value of 1.99 (very good). Aspects of dependability get 1.68 (good). Aspects of stimulation get a value of 2.00 (very good). And the novelty aspect gets a score of 2.07 (very good).
Keywords:, design thinking, UI, UX
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