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Sistem Seleksi Manager Menggunakan Algoritma Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus Richisam Chicken)
Saat ini proses pemilihan manager dilakukan dengan cara melihat index performa dengan point attitude, point kedisiplinan, point kerapian kerja dan point komunikasi. Proses penilaian dan evaluasi akan dapat menjadi lebih mudah jika terdapat sistem yang otomatis memberikan rekomendasi yang ada dari nilai yang telah dikumpulkan dari kriteria. Untuk membantu pemilihan Manager tersebut sistem yang diusulkan yaitu Sistem Seleksi Manager Metode Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Berbasis Web. Sistem yang dirancang dapat membantu Richisam Chicken dalam melakukan penilaian terhadap calon manager. Serta hasil keputusan dari sistem dapat menjadi usulan sebagai manager terpilih bagi cabang. Sistem yang dirancang mempermudah proses pemilihan manager terpilih berdasarkan penilaian dari kriteria point attitude, point kedisiplinan, point kerapian kerja dan point komunikasi. Hasil pengujian Black Box menggunakan 14 skenario pengujian disimpulkan bahwa web dapat berjalan sesuai dengan fungsionalitas dan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.
Kata Kunci: Seleksi Calon Manager, Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS), Web
Currently, the manager selection process is carried out by looking at the performance index with attitude points, discipline points, work neatness points and communication points. The assessment and evaluation process will be easier if there is a system that automatically provides existing recommendations from the scores that have been collected from the criteria. To assist the selection of the Manager, the proposed system is the Web-based Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Manager Selection System. The system designed can assist Richisam Chicken in assessing prospective managers. And the results of the decisions of the system can be proposed as the elected manager for the branch. The system designed to facilitate the process of selecting the selected manager based on an assessment of the criteria of point attitude, point of discipline, point of neatness of work and point of communication. The results of the Black Box test using 14 test scenarios concluded that the web can run according to functionality and as expected.
Keywords: Seleksi Calon Manager, Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS), Web
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