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Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Distribusi Bantuan Pertanian Menggunakan Metode Preference Selection Index
Dinas Ketahanan Pangan, Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan mempunya tugas yang bertujuan untuk menaikkan penyaluran produk pangan dan pertanian, mempromosikan pembangunan dan melenyapkan kelaparan. Persoalan yang dihadapi adalah penentuan keputusan pemberian bantuan masih dipilih secara langsung dan belum menggunakan analisa atau penilaian tertentu dalam bagi calon penerima bantuan pertanian. Dengan adanya persoalan tersebut maka diusulkan Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Distribusi Bantuan Pertanian Metode Preference Selection Index untuk Mempermudah proses seleksi petani penerima bantuan distribusi pertanian. Web dapat digunakan untuk membantu penentuan keputusan seleksi dengan menggunakan kriteria point usia lahan, point luas lahan, point komuditas, point hasil produksi dan point bantuan sebelumnya yang diproses dengan menentukan multikriteria serta urutan prioritas sehingga semua data digabung menjadi satu dengan bobot penilaian yang telah diperoleh melalui penilaian.
Kata kunci: Seleksi Penerima Bantuan Pertanian, Metode Preference Selection Index, Web
The Department of Food Security, Food Crops and Horticulture of South Sulawesi Province has the task of increasing the distribution of food and agricultural products, promoting development and eliminating hunger. The problem faced is that the decision to provide assistance is still chosen directly and has not used a certain analysis or assessment for prospective recipients of agricultural assistance. With these problems, it is proposed to design a decision support system for the distribution of agricultural assistance with the Preference Selection Index method to simplify the selection process for farmers who receive agricultural distribution assistance. The web can be used to help determine selection decisions using the criteria for land age points, land area points, commodity points, production points and previous assistance points which are processed by determining multicriteria and priority order so that all data is combined into one with the weight of the assessment that has been obtained through evaluation.
Keywords: Selection of Agricultural Assistance Recipients, Preference Selection Index Method, Web
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